
Using the various information stored in the iDSecure database, you can obtain customized reports according to your needs. In this section, we will explain the different types of reports that iDSecure allows you to generate, and also how to generate them. The five existing reports are

  • Accesses
  • Permissions
  • Logs
  • Current Status
  • Audit Log


The Access reports allow you to have a view of the accesses performed on the devices. It is possible to have general information of the accesses or have information with specificities, such as: Access by department, time, person, visitor, camera, device, etc. The screenshot below shows all the available access reports.

Figura 1 - Página do relatório de acesso

After defining the desired report, simply click on the eye icon in the right corner of the image above to be directed to the results and customization page. In the following figure, we have an example of a results page, in an iDSecure with still empty data.

Figura 2 - Página do relatório de acesso

As can be seen in the upper left corner of the figure above, we have the advanced search button. Here you can add filters to the report results. There are filters that can be used and that vary according to the report chosen. An example of advanced search in the general access general access reports is shown below:

Figura 3 - Página do relatório de acesso

Additionally, there is the option to customize which columns will be used in the results table. As an example, we create a table with only the columns Date and Time, CPF, Name, Group, Authorization, and Area columns. The definition of this table can be seen in the next image:

Figura 4 - Página do relatório de acesso

Finally, if there is a need to export these results, this can be done by clicking on the Export button.


The Permissions reports show information about Access, Person and Department permissions per area and Person per device. The screenshot below shows all available permissions reports.

Figura 6 - Página do relatório de permissões


The Logs reports can bring a history of login attempts, triggered alarms and also registered persons or visitors. All log reports are shown below:

Figura 7 - Página do relatório de Registros

Current Status

The Current Status reports provide data regarding the current situation. That is, information such as people currently present, location of visitors, length of stay, etc. Below are all the current status reports that can be generated:

Figure 8 - Current Status report page


When the parking space control setting is enabled, the vehicles report is available. The types of reports available are shown below:

Figure 9 - Vehicle report page

Audit Log

The audit log is used to find out the processes performed within the system and the name of the user who is linked to a certain activity, thus facilitating the audit. The following is an example of an audit report:

Figure 10 - Audit report page