Frequently Asked Questions

This topic is intended to facilitate the resolution of common problems:

What to do if the browser cannot access the system?

This problem is usually caused by the following factors:

  1. The service created when installing iDSecure is not started, to verify this just type service.msc in the search field of the Windows start menu. Then you must find the Control iD service (usually called "Control iD - iDSecure") and click the start button. The service should now be started and the browser will be able to access the system.

"Does the system backup automatically?"

The iDSecure system automatically backs up the database every 24 hours. As it works with a large amount of information, we are always improving the quality of the system to ensure that user data is protected. that user data is protected.


Control iD makes available a specialized support service to answer all questions and serve clients with complex needs. Our team has trained professionals, ready to solve critical problems and reestablish the system in the shortest possible time.

The specialized support service allows the client to have the highest level of service. To talk to one of our analysts, contact us through the number:

  • (11) 3059-9900